Retrieve an Organization's Release

GET /api/0/organizations/{organization_id_or_slug}/releases/{version}/

Return details on an individual release.

Path Parameters

organization_id_or_slug (string)

The ID or slug of the organization the resource belongs to.

version (string)

The version identifier of the release

Query Parameters:

project_id (string)

The project ID to filter by.

health (boolean)

Whether or not to include health data with the release. By default, this is false.

adoptionStages (boolean)

Whether or not to include adoption stages with the release. By default, this is false.

summaryStatsPeriod (string)
  • 14d
  • 1d
  • 1h
  • 24h
  • 2d
  • 30d
  • 48h
  • 7d
  • 90d

The period of time used to query summary stats for the release. By default, this is 14d.

healthStatsPeriod (string)
  • 14d
  • 1d
  • 1h
  • 24h
  • 2d
  • 30d
  • 48h
  • 7d
  • 90d

The period of time used to query health stats for the release. By default, this is 24h if health is enabled.

sort (string)
  • crash_free_sessions
  • crash_free_users
  • date
  • sessions
  • users

The field used to sort results by. By default, this is date.

status (string)
  • archived
  • open

Release statuses that you can filter by.

query (string)

Filters results by using query syntax.

Example: query=(transaction:foo AND release:abc) OR (transaction:[bar,baz] AND release:def)


<auth_token> requires one of the following scopes:
  • org:ci
  • project:admin
  • project:read
  • project:releases
  • project:write
curl{organization_id_or_slug}/releases/{version}/ \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>'
{ "id": 1122684517, "version": "control@abc123", "status": "open", "shortVersion": "control@abc123", "versionInfo": { "package": "control", "version": { "raw": "abc123" }, "description": "abc123", "buildHash": "abc123" }, "ref": null, "url": null, "dateReleased": null, "dateCreated": "2024-05-21T11:26:16.190281Z", "data": {}, "newGroups": 0, "owner": null, "commitCount": 2, "lastCommit": { "id": "xyz123", "message": "feat(raspberries): Made raspberries even more delicious", "dateCreated": "2024-05-21T11:04:55Z", "pullRequest": { "id": "70214", "title": "feat(raspberries): Made raspberries even more delicious", "message": "Made raspberries even more delicious", "dateCreated": "2024-05-03T07:32:28.205043Z", "repository": { "id": "1", "name": "raj/raspberries", "url": "https://raspberries.raspberries/raj/raspberries", "provider": { "id": "integrations:github", "name": "GitHub" }, "status": "active", "dateCreated": "2016-10-10T21:36:42.414678Z", "integrationId": "2933", "externalSlug": "raj/raspberries", "externalId": "873328" }, "author": { "id": "2837091", "name": "Raj's Raspberries", "username": "rajraspberry", "avatarUrl": "", "isActive": true, "hasPasswordAuth": false, "isManaged": false, "dateJoined": "2023-08-07T12:32:09.091427Z", "lastLogin": "2024-05-21T05:46:23.824074Z", "has2fa": true, "lastActive": "2024-05-21T13:59:10.614891Z", "isSuperuser": true, "isStaff": true, "experiments": {}, "emails": [ { "id": "2972219", "email": "raj@raspberries", "is_verified": true } ], "avatar": { "avatarType": "upload", "avatarUuid": "xyz123", "avatarUrl": "" } }, "externalUrl": "" }, "suspectCommitType": "", "repository": { "id": "1", "name": "raj/raspberries", "url": "", "provider": { "id": "integrations:github", "name": "GitHub" }, "status": "active", "dateCreated": "2016-10-10T21:36:42.414678Z", "integrationId": "2933", "externalSlug": "raj/raspberries", "externalId": "873328" }, "author": { "id": "2837091", "name": "Raj's Raspberries", "username": "rajraspberry", "avatarUrl": "", "isActive": true, "hasPasswordAuth": false, "isManaged": false, "dateJoined": "2023-08-07T12:32:09.091427Z", "lastLogin": "2024-05-21T05:46:23.824074Z", "has2fa": true, "lastActive": "2024-05-21T13:59:10.614891Z", "isSuperuser": true, "isStaff": true, "experiments": {}, "emails": [ { "id": "2972219", "email": "raj@raspberries", "is_verified": true } ], "avatar": { "avatarType": "upload", "avatarUuid": "xyz123", "avatarUrl": "" } }, "releases": [ { "version": "control@abc123", "shortVersion": "control@abc123", "ref": null, "url": null, "dateReleased": null, "dateCreated": "2024-05-21T11:26:16.190281Z" }, { "version": "backend@abc123", "shortVersion": "backend@abc123", "ref": null, "url": null, "dateReleased": null, "dateCreated": "2024-05-21T11:56:36.790866Z" }, { "version": "control@def789", "shortVersion": "control@def789", "ref": null, "url": null, "dateReleased": null, "dateCreated": "2024-05-21T12:44:25.923663Z" }, { "version": "frontend@ghi012", "shortVersion": "frontend@ghi012", "ref": null, "url": null, "dateReleased": null, "dateCreated": "2024-05-21T12:46:42.338358Z" } ] }, "deployCount": 1, "lastDeploy": { "id": "53070941", "environment": "canary-test-control", "dateStarted": null, "dateFinished": "2024-05-21T11:26:17.597793Z", "name": "control@abc123 to canary-test-", "url": null }, "authors": [ { "id": 2837091, "name": "Raj's Raspberries", "username": "rajraspberry", "email": "raj@raspberries", "avatarUrl": "", "isActive": true, "hasPasswordAuth": false, "isManaged": false, "dateJoined": "2023-08-07T12:32:09.091427Z", "lastLogin": "2024-05-21T05:46:23.824074Z", "has2fa": true, "lastActive": "2024-05-21T13:59:10.614891Z", "isSuperuser": true, "isStaff": true, "experiments": {}, "emails": [ { "id": "2972219", "email": "raj@raspberries", "is_verified": true } ], "avatar": { "avatarType": "upload", "avatarUuid": "xyz123", "avatarUrl": "" } } ], "projects": [ { "id": 1, "slug": "sentry", "name": "Backend", "newGroups": 0, "platform": "python", "platforms": [ "native", "other", "python" ], "hasHealthData": false, "healthData": { "durationP50": null, "durationP90": null, "crashFreeUsers": null, "crashFreeSessions": null, "sessionsCrashed": 0, "sessionsErrored": 0, "totalUsers": null, "totalUsers24h": null, "totalProjectUsers24h": null, "totalSessions": null, "totalSessions24h": null, "totalProjectSessions24h": null, "adoption": null, "sessionsAdoption": null, "stats": { "24h": [ [ 1715126400, 0 ], [ 1715212800, 0 ], [ 1715299200, 0 ], [ 1715385600, 0 ], [ 1715472000, 0 ], [ 1715558400, 0 ], [ 1715644800, 0 ], [ 1715731200, 0 ], [ 1715817600, 0 ], [ 1715904000, 0 ], [ 1715990400, 0 ], [ 1716076800, 0 ], [ 1716163200, 0 ], [ 1716249600, 0 ] ] }, "hasHealthData": false } } ], "firstEvent": null, "lastEvent": null, "currentProjectMeta": {}, "userAgent": "Python-urllib/3.11", "adoptionStages": { "sentry": { "stage": "low_adoption", "adopted": null, "unadopted": null } } }
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